
The KM AntPro® Insect Activated Bait Dispenser is a durable, rugged delivery device made of ultra-violet resistant, primarily “recyclable” polypropylene. Combined with its low-toxicity companion Green Way Liquid Ant Killing Bait, AntPro® destroys invasive ant populations, their nests, and entire colonies. ...

How it Works - Ant foragers locate and activate AntPro® Dispensers. They consume and store enough slow acting liquid bait in their interior social stomachs to feed up to 12 ants each time they return to their nests. In addition, they recruit encountered colony member ants by sample sharing, creating several bait ...

Pictured here, KM AntPro® Bait Dispensers with attachable locking ground stakes and Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait®, produced by Innovative Pest Control Products, are utilized in agriculture, especially in sustainable fruits & nuts food crops. Dispensers and bait are purchased by farmers at industry deep discount ...

Target Specific, Destroys Ants, The Ultimate Enablers of Pest Insects

Protects defenseless wildlife and plant pollinators while providing Nature's Natural Pest Controllers, "beneficial insects and arachnids" access to feed on plants, fruit, & nut crop damaging, disease-vectoring pest insects.

AntPro’s stellar biorational performance with Gourmet Liquid Ant Bait “Green Way” has been the subject of several urban, and agricultural University research studies. Visit https://ipm.ucanr.edu/NEWS/argentineants-news.html University of California Riverside Department of Entomology’s first year’s results news release, with correspondence immediately below