⠀The How and Why

How it Works - Ant foragers locate and activate AntPro® Dispensers. They consume and store enough slow acting liquid bait in their interior social stomachs to feed up to 12 ants each time they return to their nests. In addition, they recruit encountered colony member ants by sample sharing, creating several bait retrieval pheromones marked super highways to and from the bait dispensers to their home nests.

The Ultimate Trojan Horse Deception: these ants feed their queens, nursery brood, and nest workers the bait’s slow acting toxicant, unknowingly destroying their nests, and colonies from within. AntPro® Also, kills individual cockroaches, including Asian and German.

 At present, there are approximately 15,000 identified and named ant species. Most ant colonies commit just a small percentage of their eusocial colonies occupants to leave their nests to locate, harvest, and return with food to feed their queens, brood, and colony’s population. Most ants have an additional social stomach- an internal bladder to store and transport enough liquid food to feed on average approximately 12 other ants via “trophallaxis” regurgitation upon returning to their home nests. Ants seek out and are the ultimate enablers of 30,000+ kinds of plant piercing, sucking diseases carrying insects to collectively farm them to harvest their fecal excrement commonly referred to as honeydew. Honeydew is a liquid that contains both sugars and amino acids. To ensure a reliable food supply, ants behave like shepherds. In exchange, ants protect and attack all natural predators attempting to harm their valuable flock. Ants even relocate plant feeding insects to the choice parts of plants to feed. For example, one of the plant-damaging insects and a carrier of plant diseases is commonly known as an aphid. Just one of the many thousands of kinds natural predators that eat aphids is commonly known as a ladybug.

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